The Sensitive Period of Movement Refinement

Physical and cognitive movement is essential to a child's development. Dr. Maria Montessori identified this impulse as a sensitive period, a stage in which the child shows a natural fascination with movement and an innate capacity to learn through it. The sensitive period of movement refinement extends from the age of 2.5 to 4 years.In the first phase of life, from birth to 2.5 years, the child focuses on gross motor development. Its energy is directed toward acquiring skills such as crawling, walking, running, or jumping. The child needs to experience free and unrestricted movement to develop balance, coordination, or muscle control.

In the second phase of life, from 2.5 to 4 years of age, the child is very interested in executing precise movements. They want to do things with greater precision every day and are capable of repeating an exercise as many times as necessary. The child will analyse the movements until he reaches perfection and completely masters the exercise. Dr. Maria Montessori stated that refined movement is necessary for the proper development of the psyche, as well as for the acquisition of the independence that is so necessary for healthy growth. She realised that the development of the hand had been the main tool for self-expression of which modern man was capable.

In this phase, the child seeks to refine his movements and acquire skills such as climbing, throwing, catching, or manipulating small objects. He begins to develop an interest in activities such as drawing or writing.

Importance of movement in child development:

  • Physical development: Movement helps the development of a child's muscles, bones, and joints. It also helps to improve coordination, balance, and flexibility.

  • Cognitive development: Movement helps a child's brain develop. It stimulates the formation of new neural connections and improves learning, attention, and memory skills.

  • Social and emotional development: Movement helps children develop self-confidence, independence, and the ability to relate to others.

How to encourage movement in children:

  • Provide the child with a free and safe space to move.

  • Provide opportunities for the child to engage in different types of physical activity, such as running, jumping, climbing, dancing, and playing with balls.

  • Allow the child to choose activities that interest him/her and to follow his/her own pace.

The sensitive period of movement is a crucial stage in a child's development. Dr. Maria Montessori stated that, if exercises with precision of movement are introduced during the sensitive period, this will have a positive effect on the development of the child's mind and the formation of his personality, giving him satisfaction, concentration, and confidence. Children between the ages of two and a half and four are extremely sensitive to developing the ability to refine their movements in terms of precision and accuracy. Children will imitate us from the age of two and a half. By imitating the movements, the child will feel more and more independent every day.


The Prepared Environment


Refining Senses through Experiences and Exploration