The Prepared Environment
In the Montessori philosophy, the Prepared Environment is meticulously crafted to meet the specific needs of each child at their particular stage of development. It refers to both the physical and human environments surrounding the child, recognizing that these elements profoundly impact their growth.
“Now let me enumerate the principles that will help the mother find the best way for her child.
The most important is to respect all the reasonable forms of activity in which the child engages and try to understand them.
The second principle is this: We must support as much as possible the child’s desires for activity; no wait on him, but educate him to be independent.
The third principle is that we must be most watchful in our relationships with the children because they are quite sensitive – more than we know – to external influences.”
(The Child in the Family – Maria Montessori)
Starting with the physical environment, we aim to create a space that fosters exploration, movement, and a love for learning. This involves providing ample space for your child to move freely, ensuring natural lighting, maintaining a comfortable temperature, and choosing furniture and materials that are both accessible and appropriately sized. Beauty is also a key consideration, as an attractive environment entices children to engage and work harmoniously within it.
Moreover, the materials and objects within the environment are carefully selected to cater to your child's specific developmental stage. The order is meticulously designed, progressing from the simplest to the most complex, allowing children to navigate and build trust in their surroundings.
Equally important is the human environment. As adults, we serve as role models for your children. Understanding the principles of the Montessori philosophy, we strive to embody qualities such as joy, respect, and independence. Children absorb every aspect of their human environment, from language and movement to emotional stability.
To achieve this, it is imperative for us as adults to continually self-reflect, identify our weaknesses, and consciously model positive behaviour. We also align our actions with the developmental stages of the child, ensuring our interactions are supportive, respectful, and conducive to their overall growth.
At home, we encourage you to create an environment that mirrors these principles. Foster a sense of belonging, offer opportunities for hands-on activities, surround your child with rich language and establish an organized and trustworthy space. This foundation of trust in the environment allows your child to develop a basic trust in themselves.
Features of the Prepared Environment include:
Structured and ordered learning spaces
Clearly defined curriculum areas
A progression order from left to right for materials
Freedom of movement and choice
Emphasis on independence
Freedom within limits
Child-sized furniture and materials
An environment crafted with beauty and harmony
A focus on using real-life objects
In conclusion, a Montessori environment is one that addresses the developmental needs of the child, encourages freedom within limits, and promotes responsibility. It consists of adults who are loving, kind, and consistent, offering realistic expectations and supporting the child's independence. The goal is to promote self-discipline, aid in self-construction, and present models of respect for children to follow.
As we embark on this journey together, let us be mindful of the impact our environment has on your child's development. We are committed to creating a space that nurtures curiosity, independence, and a lifelong love for learning.